Want help achieving
more-than-enough revenue, month after month?

Get the support you need at Convert Lab®.

Virtual 3-Day Event:

September 26-28 | 9am-5pm (pacific)

Ask Me Anything/Refining Session #1:

October 8th - 1-3pm PT

Ask Me Anything/Refining Session #2:

October 22nd - 10-12pm PT

Watch a video from Dr. Nadia about Convert Lab® here.

Are You Ready to Stabilize Your Revenue and Boost Your Business?

Tired of the wild swings in your revenue? One high month, followed by a low one, or a great quarter, then a not-so-great one? Trust me, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Let's build a sustainable business that minimizes these fluctuations.

You might have noticed gaps in your process of connecting with clients and inviting them to work with you. Or perhaps you want to feel more natural, confident, and at ease when speaking with potential clients and discussing money. From marketing and messaging to sales conversations and client onboarding, in Convert Lab®, we’ll address and refine every part of your sales process.

Here's the starting point for achieving consistent revenue: step back and make clear decisions about your sales experience and process.

And it’s not about everyone doing the same thing. It’s about doing what works best for you, aligned with your values and vision.

Join Us at Convert Lab®

Why waste your precious time and energy trying to figure this out on your own? I have a better solution! Join us at the Convert Lab® virtual event, where I’ll guide you through the key decisions and help you map out a complete, personalized sales system for your business. This is your more-than-enough moment!

This lab isn’t just another sales training; it’s about doing the work and getting results. We’ll help you create, strategize, and implement a sustainable sales system that will support your business and drive consistent revenue.

If you’re ready to stabilize your revenue and build a thriving business, then be sure to reserve your seat. I can’t wait to work with you in the Convert Lab® and help you create more-than-enough revenue for your business. Let’s do this together!

Hi there, I’m Dr. Nadia.

As a sales trainer and consultant, one of the things that breaks my heart is seeing so many talented and skilled consultants and service-based professionals struggle to create more-than-enough income every single month. My secret sauce is helping each business owners craft and customize a simple, effective sales system tailored to their unique situation, goals, and values.

What I love most about the Convert Lab® is guiding participants in developing the skills and finesse needed to consistently close sales with class—trust me, no sleaze required! I also help them set up the systems and processes that enable them to achieve this effortlessly.

I look forward to seeing you at the Convert Lab® and helping you create more-than-enough revenue in your business!

The ConvertLab® Experience

  • Evaluate

    You’ll be guided through an inventory of the six aspects of your sales process – your offers, pricing, qualified client profile, sales conversation guide, key metrics, and strategy – to get a baseline of your current approach.

  • Analyze

    Through an assessment tool, we will help you take a step back and see the big picture, identifying what’s working and what needs improvement in your sales process.

  • Act

    Together, we will roll up our sleeves and get to work creating a customized sales system, based on your personal values, vision, and goals.

What makes this unique, is that we will provide personalized recommendations to fill in gaps or enhance elements of your system that aren’t performing as well as they could.

These recommendations might include customizing your referral program or drafting key talking points for your sales conversation guide. This is powerhouse collaboration at its finest – and most valuable!

We don’t just make personalized recommendations, we think take the time to implement them together! And don’t worry, we’ve built in implementation time into our schedule to ensure we accomplish as much as possible during the lab. That way you don’t walk away from the lab with more work to do, but you leave with everything ready to go so that you can maintain the momentum to generating the revenue you desire. 

We intentionally keep each Convert Lab® small so each business owner receives plenty of time, space, and personal attention.

This isn’t about creating a one-size-fits-all sales system. It’s about getting YOU clear on what YOUR sales system needs to evolve into, ensuring that juicy more-than-enough revenue flows in every month!

The Convert Lab® Schedule

How to Prepare for Convert Lab®

Complete the Assessment

You’ll complete and return a pre-lab Assessment so Dr. Nadia (and team) can understand your unique situation, your ideal client, your current offers, pricing, gaps in your sales system, and goals

Watch the Videos

To get the most value out of the strategy and personal attention when we are together, you’ll watch the  Foundations and Key Sales Concepts training videos on your own.

Determine Your Primary Focus

You’ll be guided to think about your primary focus when we are together, so you get the feedback and strategies you’re looking for to achieve more-than-enough revenue month after month.

Day One- Your Compelling Value

Play to Your

Taking a strengths-based approach to your sales system, we’ll assess your unique talents and strengths that will serve as the basis for all the decisions you’ll make about the rest of your sales system!

How You Work
With Clients

With your strengths fresh in our minds, we’ll review and evaluate your offers and services, making sure the ways you work provide clear value and benefits, feel good to you to deliver, and feel generous and perfect to your clientele.


You don’t need a sales script – but together, we’ll create a roadmap of how to lead conversations that close sales with prospective clients in a way that feels good to you and respects them.

Day Two - Connect with Your People

Refine Your

Now that we know your strengths, we’ll refine your marketing message, giving you clear language to talk about what you do so that people get it – and want to pay for it!

Attract & Qualify Your Leads

With all the buzz and interest that will come from your compelling fresh marketing message, you’ll need a simple, clear way to qualify who makes a great client for you and who would be better served by a referral.

How Leads and Clients Move Through Your Work

 We’ll map out the flow of how prospects hear about you and how they move through your sales pipeline, relationship nurture process, and after they become paying clients, your client journey.

Day Three - Integrate & Implement

Putting it All Together

We’ll take time to refine and fine tune all the great work you’ve done so far, so you feel absolutely great about the changes you’re about to implement in your sales system.

Your Seamless
Client Onboarding Systems

We’ll design and implement a seamless client onboarding process to ensure you’re fully prepared to receive and serve new clients effectively, enhancing their experience and minimizing refund requests.

Your 90-Day

We’ll help you create a 90-day step-by-step plan for what you are and/or your team will do to maintain your momentum (and if you want my and/or my team’s help, we can talk about that too!). 

Steps to Take After the Lab

Put Your Strategy Into Practice

In the lab, the ideas are flowing and the excitement is high, however after the lab is where the proverbial “rubber meets the road”. It is when we find whether there are things that we need to tweak in our strategy or refine in our process once we’ve introduced those ideas in the marketplace.

Ask Dr. Nadia Anything Sessions

Mark your calendar for our two post lab Ask Dr. Nadia Anything + Refining Sessions:

Session 1: October 8th 1p - 3p PT  and Session 2: October 22nd 10a - 12p PT


You’ll have the support to ensure that your systems and strategy are right on target so that you can continue to build on the momentum you built in the lab to shatter your income ceiling and achieve more-than-enough revenue month after month.

Considering joining me for Convert Lab?

Coolbeans! I would LOVE for you to join us!

I know that sometimes before making an investment, you may have questions. If that’s you, I would love to chat with you before you register, so I can hear more about your situation, values, and goals, & answer any questions you may have so you can be confident in your decision. Note: I don’t believe in (nor do I train people to do) high-pressure sales, so you can expect this to be an open, frank, and collaborative conversation where you get my undivided attention and I do my very best to understand what you need and want. Together, we’ll make sure that Convert Lab is the right next move for you. I look forward to connecting!

Reserve Your Seat Today

*registration closes on September 19th



Special Bonus for PIF



2x payments; 30-days apart



6x payments; 30-days apart

Want me in your
back pocket?

If you select the pay-in-full option, you’ll get the added bonus of 30-days of Voxer Voice Message Coaching with me after the lab. This gives you support while you’re testing and implementing your strategies. You can send messages through the Voxer app at your convenience and you’ll receive a response from me directly during business hours.

(Value: $1,500)